What You Don't Know About Natural Henna Can Actually Hurt You

henna artist, specialty Henna, organic henna, natural henna, henna, henna paste

Nowadays there are so many different places to buy henna cones (applicators). With a few simple clicks, henna can be easily bought on Amazon, Etsy, Facebook Groups, inside of retail craft stores and some South Asian grocery stores. However, the average consumer trusts that the henna that is bought online would be completely fine to put on their skin. After all, it’s legal to sell it, right?

What most well-intentioned consumers do not realize is that henna bought in many of these stores have one thing in common- it’s actually not natural henna. In fact, the “henna” that is sold in these types of stores actually may not have any real henna in these applicators at all.

Here’s what you need to know. If henna is sold online or at a physical location, and that henna sits out in the open or on shelf then most likely it is something that we henna artists call “black henna”. Black henna is the name given to henna applicators that are sold in mass production in a box with cheap-looking packaging and is shipped from outside of the US, with toxic solvents (such as: gasoline, kerosene, and paint thinners) as well as PPD which is the chemical found in black hair dye. It can create painful chemical skin burns and permanent scarring.


As shocking as this is, this is why is it vital that you only wear natural henna. Here are the top 4 reasons why natural henna is the only way to go:

1. Natural henna feels good on your skin.

2. It is made by hand by skilled, knowledgeable henna artist.

3. Natural henna smells earthy and pleasant because it’s made with therapeutic grade essential oils, fresh henna powder (dried henna leaves only), sugar and water.

4. All ingredients in natural henna are plant-based plus a liquid (such as water or lemon juice).

It’s all about the ingredients with natural henna. Mind Body Henna makes and uses only our own natural henna on every guest. Your skin and safety is our priority.

Much love to you,


